I have posted previously about our four raffles for Mandie, our
17-month-old with an adrenal tumor. We wanted to raise enough money for
her to have surgery to remove the affected gland, but we haven't taken
in enough to even cover the cost of the prizes. Ferrets at Heart has
been sent a grand total of $30.00 in checks for Mandie MayDay Raffle
tickets. The raffle details are located through the link below. Please
do what you can to at least get Mandie an implant to treat her adrenal
tumor. I watch her day-after-day become more aggressive, more unlike
herself. She needs your help.


You can follow Mandie's story on our blog at
and those of our other charges.

Thanks to everyone who sent a cash donation through PayPal that was
not associated with the raffle (Please remember that we cannot accept
raffle purchases through PayPal.). You are the main reason Mandie has
a hope of getting an implant to fight her adrenal tumor. May you be
blessed for helping others.

I sound like I'm begging, and I don't know that I am not. I can for my
rescues. I sound overwhelmed, and I am. I've had one surgery myself
this month, and I'll have another as soon as it can be scheduled. Also,
our landlord has just decided that my ferrets no longer count as
service/therapy animals, not because they are ferrets, but because only
one service/therapy animal should be needed per residence. We have
eight ferrets. It absolutely against federal law to limit the number of
service/therapy animals within a home, but who has the money to fight
that? I have an attorney considering taking this issue on without
charging Ferrets at Heart.

Yes, my ferrets "really" are therapy for me, and I'm not a crazy person
taking advantage of the system. I keep my home spotless. I can't drive,
so I can't find fulfillment outside my home. I am blind and otherwise
physically handicapped that leaves me unable to walk on my own some
days. My ferret rescue is my emotional therapy in that it makes me a
useful human being. It is physical therapy in that it necessitates that
I get out of bed no matter how I would rather not to take care of
ferret chores; this keeps me in better shape than I would otherwise be
in. I don't disclose all that on ferretsatheart.com, because I don't
want donations out of pity for me. I was given the medical conditions
I have for a reason and the calling to work with ferrets for a reason.

All that since April 4th. And no, the ferrets are not in danger of
needing relocation. For the foreseeable future, we have them covered.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at
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With respect,
Lori of Ferrets at Heart
Huron, Ohio
[log in to unmask]

 ...and Rhys, Ayla, Codo, Mandie, Winter,
Holly, Charlie, and Templeton

[Posted in FML 7039]