The International Ferret Congress is hosting the next symposium June
3-5, 2011 at the Fiesta Resort Conference Center in Phoenix, AZ. We
still have a few spaces available for more vendors. If you are joining
us for the event and have ferret items to sell, we would welcome you to
set up as a vendor for the weekend. Vendor tables will be open Friday
morning through Sunday morning.

Please note that all vendor staff must also register for the full
symposium. Registration and vendor forms are available on our website
on the symposium page:

The registration deadline is just 3 weeks away so please get your
registration in! If you have any questions, please contact Brenda
Johnson at [log in to unmask]

Payment By Check: Please make check or money order payable to
"International Ferret Congress" in US funds and send to:

2011 Vendor Registration
c/o Brenda Johnson
PO Box 698
Naples, NY 14512

By PayPal: Payment may be made via PayPal at
Recipient email: [log in to unmask]
Type: Service
Subject: 2011 Vendor Registration

Note: Include your name, address, phone, email address and vendor type
Only registration forms accompanied by full payment AND a signed
contract will be processed.

A confirmation and receipt will be sent to you.

Please keep a copy of the form for your records.

Visit us at for latest information.

Thank You,
Brenda Johnson
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

[Posted in FML 7039]