So, I've been lurking here for awhile but since folks were talking
about laundry and stains I just have to jump in and tell you about
"Wonderful Weasel Laundry Soap" if you don't already know about it.
South Shore Ferret Care, the only MA shelter makes this stuff and you
can buy it online, link below. This is the ONLY stuff I have found that
works on ferretone and other oil stains like salad dressing AND is
gentle and mild enough for ferrets and folks with ultrasensitive skin
(excema for me!) Sorry if I sound like an infomercial, but Wonderful
Weasel Laundry Soap really works, plus you get to feel like you are
helping the shelter and hospice ferts at SSFC every time you do 
wash ;)

mom to Boo, Ashe and June Bug (all adopted from SSFC)
missing Pika, Ruby and Helmsley


[Posted in FML 7038]