On behalf of Cindy & Tom Scheidt, all the Ferrets at the "Ferret Villa
Shelter" and myself (Julie, that built the website)

We want to give a huge heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported
the cause in fighting this horrible virus, H1N1.

For those who donated such wonderful prize packages.

*For Eleanor Mead and Sandy Gammage with their generous offers and
donations. Can not thank you both enough.*

For all those who bought tickets and sent private donations, what a
blessing you are and it just goes to show what wonderful, caring people
are out there.

For those who helped spread the word,sent out reminders and told
friends and family.

Because of ALL of you, the Fundraiser was a success. I wish I could say
it completely cleared the vet bill, but it did make a big difference
and helped so much with those ferrets that still need on going care
from this horrific virus. The over vet bill ended up being around
9,000.00. Everyone's help was so GREATLY appreciate, words are not
enough to express how much this meant to Cindy, Tom and all the ferrets
at the rescue.

Also a big thank you for your patience with the website and google not
allowing us to accept payments, because of it being a fundraiser. I
know each website is different and not always easy to understand how
it operates. I hope I was able to help those that contacted me.

*Although the fundraiser is now officially over, if you are still
interested in making a donation, you may send a check to Cindy Scheidt,
info below. *

*Cindy Scheidt*
*2914 Vista Court*
*Villa Hills, KY 41017*

* **Note;* if you qualified to win one of Eleanor's beautiful statues,
or Snoopy's gift cards, you will be contacted (if not already) on what
color/pattern choice you would like for your FREE statue. If not, again
please feel free to contact me and let me know and I will forward the

Please be patient, quit a few people won the free statue and so I can
imagine Eleanor is a busy bee now. She will get them to you just as
soon as possible, you can not rush perfection. : )

Crazyferretmom  (julie johnson) and the 11 fuzzbutts
In Memory of Sidney Sue, Slinky, Allie Boy, Polo Man, Roscoe, Fiona,
Milo, Piggy, Jazzy, Sammie, Scooter, Bear, Abby, Shelby (my doggy) and
my precious BooBoo,Moose our big boy,& Fizzy

Gone in body, not spirit.

Please check out my NEW website, affordable, top quality ferret bedding
& ferrety items. The ferret's choice has moved, still working on it but
several pages are up and running.

New Site Check it out

Help support a ferret and buy Scentsy from me (independent consultant)

facebook (julie medley johnson)

[Posted in FML 7033]