No. 421 and Oliver were enjoying some of the spring weather that
started to creep in past the snow. The days were definitely warmer,
and the North Wind's bite was missing when the wind blew.

Oliver cleaned his snowboard for the last time and was putting it away
until next winter. He envisioned the porch furniture and him sitting
on it. He was still daydreaming when Bluebird fluttered up to the
porch railing.

"Oliver," she chirped. "Do you remember that ferret you found in your
woodpile, the one the Receiving Angel was all upset about? Well, his
best buddy is coming and you have to find him. I think his name is
Monster. He should be there with you and No. 421 to greet him."

"Okay," Oliver said. "Give me a minute to get myself together, then
I'll go find Monster."

Oliver set out at a trot and decided to visit Skye first. Skye was in
the back yard painting the newly renovated rooms.

"Hi Skye" Oliver called. "Do you know where Monster is? His best buddy
is crossing and I would like him here to greet him."

"Ho Oliver," Skye called from up on the ladder. "You looking for
Monster? Try the new mound down by the well. I think that is where he
decided to build. We finished up these two rooms and then he went to
his own mound. He had been working on it when he was not working here."

Oliver went down to the well and off to one side was a beautiful new
mound. There were several new rooms added on, and a lone ferret was
painting the back wall.

Hmmm, Oliver thought, must be good painting weather, everyone's doing
it. "Hi Monster," he called. Could you spare a few minutes to come
with me to the bridge? Your old buddy Dingo is on his way." "Dingo,
coming here," Monster cried." "You bet - just let me cap this bucket
and wash my paws."

No. 421 stepped out of the shower, dressed and picked up the ticket
from the kitchen table. "Dingo  -  okay," he said. "I hope Oliver
finds Monster."

No. 421 had just arrived at the bridge when there was a rustle of
leaves and a lone ferret stepped out of the bushes. "Hey, you" he
called. "Is dis de Rainbow Bridge? Do you know if my buddy Monster
is here?"

"Come on out and talk to me," No. 421 said. "No one is going to hurt
you. Yes, your buddy Monster is here and my currier Oliver has gone to
look for him. Why don't you sit down on the bench over here and wait?"

"No thanks," Dingo said. "I'll wait here."

He did not have to wait long. Over the hill came Monster with Oliver
running behind him. "Hey Mr. No.421, I heard you have Dingo coming,"
Monster said. "Where is he?"

Dingo stepped out of the bushes and ran over to Monster. The two
ferrets hugged, slapped high 5's and did a war dance, slapped shoulders
and backs and were just overjoyed to see each other.

"Hey Buddy," Dingo said. "I just couldn't make it without you. I had to
come over. Now that I'm here, where is your pad?" Have you room for me?
Come on, you got to show me around." Monster told Dingo he had finished
his mound, all but the painting. He had built a room for whoever came
next and yes, they would live together and be together forever."

Thank you Mr. No. 421 for finding my buddy Monster," Dingo said. "Would
you see that my Mom and Dad know I'm here, reunited with Monster and
happy at last?"

No. 421 said he was going by Shooting Stars home tonight, and would
see that she delivered the message.

Monster and Dingo thanked Oliver for helping out and were racing each
other back down the hill, Dingo following as Monster led the way. No.
421 stopped by Shooting Stars home and delivered the message Dingo
wanted delivered. Then he and Oliver started for their cabin. Back at
the cabin, Oliver put the supper on to heat and No. 421 wrote in his
logbook: Mission Accomplished. Dingo arrived and Monster was there to
greet him. The two seem happy enough and went off to their mound.
Monster has been working with Skye and learned a lot. He built a mound
with extra rooms so Dingo could move right in.

Dingo is very shy, but after a while and with Monster at his side, he
will fit right in.

[Posted in FML 7028]