OMG....It came, my ferret figurine from Eleanore Meade for ordering off
the fundraiser site for the Ferret Villa Shelter. It is so adorable.
All you have to do is go to
and if you order $75.00 or more in tickets Eleanore will send you one
of these adorable ferrets holding a heart..FREE.

I have several of her little statues and am hooked. There are 38
prizes to choose from and another bonus is Sandy Grammage of Snoopy's
Snugglers Ferret Bedding will send you a certificate for $10.00 towards
bedding from her site for every $50.00 purchase of tickets. I have some
of her bedding and love it...and the person that buys the most tickets
wins passes from Barb Clay to her Rocky's Ferretstock.

You have until this Friday, midnight to purchase your tickets then the
site closes. The drawing will be held on the 14th so that gives plenty
of time for your check to arrive to Cindy Scheidt and the winners will
be announced on April 15th.

Cindy and Tom have been traveling a long road and continue to travel
that road with the ferrets getting them trough this outbreak of
H1N1 that hit their shelter. It's been many long, sleepless hours
medicating, feeding, vetting, and worring but they never gave up. It
was their love and dedication of these ferrets that kept them going.
Now they are facing huge vet bills that are still climbing. Cindy and
Tom have always been the first to step forward to donate their Tower
of Fun or Hills and Dales to help raise funds for other shelters in
need so now it is our turn to help them.

Please go to the fundraiser site listed above all information you need
is on there and to everyone that has already ordered we thank you so
much .Your help with this project to raise funds for Cindy and Tom is
so appreciated and will allow them to continue their wonderful
deication to ferrets in need.

Debby (Memaw and her traveling zoo)

[Posted in FML 7026]