It was a lovely moonlit nite at de Bridge. SaraFerret was fast asleep
in her hammock and of course the kits were asleep in theirs right below
hers. Someone knock at the door and a voice rang out, "SawaFewwet!"

No one answered. So the door was opened and the someone crept in and
grabbed the nearest hammie, whereupon, Serena shrieked, "Mommy, Some
animal just grabbed me!" and then the someone banged his head against
SaraFerret's hammock and she almost fell out of it, but managed to
grasped the edge of it, just barely as she dangled from the edge and
then lowered herself to the floor. The someone of course was Dexter,
the little boy courier, with a note in his paw.

He said,
"Gee whiz, SawaFewwet, why didn't you answer your door. You guys are
awfully noisy in here. Don'cha realize other fewwets are sweeping?
Anyway, this fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge. And it is important that
you gets over there. As slow as you is he is pwobably lost and
wandering awound somewhere. Now is there anyone you want me to get?"

I took the note and read it and since I knew Dexter had already read
it told him who to get.

Then I calmed the kits down and sent them back to bed. And I headed for
the entrance hoping that I would be in time for once. Alas, it was not
to be, I saw the little fuzzy waiting for me. So I quickly introduced

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am the bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He looked at me and said, "I have been waiting for someone to come and
I hoped I wouldn't have to go off on my own. But it is nice to meet
you. I was hoping to meet someone of my own kind. My name is Elliott
and I belong to Mommy DJ. Would you happen to know her? I don't see any
of my friends here. Are you gonna be my only friend? I haven't been
feeling too well, but I feel some better now. I don't suppose I can go
back home now, can I?"

I replied, "Elliott, I don't know your Mommy personally, although I
have greeted a couple of her fuzzies. You will see some of your friends
later. I do apologize for the delay in greeting you. The hour is late
and I was asleep, but that is really no excuse. (I hung my head
sheepishly). As to your question about returns, this is your new home
now. I know that sounds difficult to you. But once you cross the bridge
there is no going back. This is a beautiful place and in the distant
future one day you will see your Mommy. But mean time, you are gonna
get a pair of wings just like mine--well not exactly like mine--yours
will be boy wings--special designed for you. They are so great for
flying about the heavens--beats hopping from cloud to cloud. So if you
will follow me."

Off we went down the garden path to the Wing House where the wings were
stored. We opened the door and on the counter was a big box--of course.
Elliott opened the box and took out the wings--lavender with silver
streaks. I was about to help when the door opened and in popped Biscuit
and Seraph, his friends who had crossed last year. He got so excited he
forgot his wings for a minute. Then Seraph brought him back to reality
and said, "Hey let's get these on you." So Seraph put on his wings, and
Biscuit adjusted his halo. Then he ran to the big vanity mirror and
gazed at his reflection. He turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy
could see me now." Then I gots an idea. So we opened the door.

And went down the path to the Misting Pond. We sat down beside the cool
clear water. With one swish we saw the vision of Mommy DJ appear.
Elliott got so excited he started waving and dooking with all of his
might. (Biscuit and Seraph got in on the action too).

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I feel lots better now. I
gots wings now and soon I will be able to fly. I found my friends too.
And I didn't get lost here. This place is really pretty. I know I'll
see you again Mommy"

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses plus a few from the other two
fuzzies and laid them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to
your house and by the time you should read this it should have landed
there. And with another swish the vision was gone.

So we left there and went down the road past the blue cornflowers to
their cottage and Biscuit ran ahead to get someone. Then he came back
with another fuzzy. Elliott remembered this one also. "Kai!!!!!!!!!
This was really a reunion. Then Elliott noticed the large gathering of
fuzzies and what looked like a picnic and there was music a-playing.
"What is that all about? he asked. Seraph said that it was a welcome
to the bridge party just for him. He seemed truly amazed. All the
food was laid out, chocolate everythings, even cold pepsis; all those
naughty -- no-nos, so forbidden on earth. Here you could eat it if you
wanted. But you could also eat the good -- goods too. Elliott grabbed a
chocolate no-no. So did I. In fact everyone did. No-nos are fun to eat
esp. when they are not overdone. After a while the dancing started,
Elliott was grabbed by a darling lady from a nearby business. I didn't
get a chance to tell him good-bye. But I told the others to give him a
hug for me. I could see that Elliott had settled into his new forever

As for me, I had a hammock to return to and some sleep to catch up.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 7019]