Our Timmy had surgery for adrenal then had the Deslorelin implant....
10 months later he ruptured his spleen and was at deaths door...again
surgery was the only answer. he recovered well and it looking the best
he ever has....i am sure that the Implant helped him survive..

The implant should stop all hormones being produced and symptoms will
not be masked as they shouldn't be occuring becuase the disease is
halted....when the implant wears out the symptoms may return...but
this is not a definate.

Personally i would implant anyway... my other ferrets have the implant
even thou they have not shown any symptoms of adrenal. I have been on
the recieving end of the human equivalent of the implant and i can
vouch for the drug.

Hope this helps

[Posted in FML 6992]