The Valentine's Day Card Exchange is officially closed. I hope everyone
that participated had as much fun as I did. The cards I received were
so much fun. Those that included pictures of your ferrets, thank you,
I\ love to see them. WOW you should have seen all the little goodies!!!
LOL It was like Christmas in my mail box. I am sure the postman thinks
I am the most popular person in the world, He give me this look like
why is she so special. I want to laugh and tell him it's because I am a
ferret person. And ferret people are the best, just look at all these

Thank you to: Marilyn Ledoux, Kathleen Collins, Ann Church, Mark &
Debbie Fitzgerald, Linda Wimpee, Susie Riddle, Stephanie Grant, Kathy
Street, Angela Dixon, Angela Neiswenter, Carol Owens, Rebecca Stout,
Pat Shaskin, Lee Rose Wilson, Cara Fleshman, Libby Nelson, Heather
Dittman, Anna & Gwen Nicodemus, Renee Downs, Jeff & Amereta Julian,
and Cyndie & Trish Houmand

Thank you for all your beautiful cards and your participation. Together
you raised $250.00 dollar for the Support Our Shelters general fund.

Your generosity helps SOS help shelters, help ferrets, thank you!

Coming up next is the St. Pattick's Day Card Exchange. Please come join
the fun. If your interested let me know.

Robin Jones
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