Well I took Fester to the vet today. Xray is good, all cleared up. Lab
work is perfect. I guess the verdict is that hes a fat butt. I think
maybe he got a little spoiled when he was sick and had decided that
big boys get more attention. So now we will be walking to the mailbox
daily until we are our svelte self again.

To the lady with the vision impaired baby. One of my guys was blind but
he lived a nice long life and was perfectly content. He did very well
if I didn't move the furniture. Of course he couldn't see so he hid
things in plain view, but he always knew where they should be and
became a little upset if you moved them. I put a bell in his cage at
the edge of the shelf so he would know if he got too close. He learned
to ring it and Mom would come. I think he had me trained pretty good
before he passed away. He lived a long healthy life other than his


[Posted in FML 6991]