Hi Grandma!!! Hi Ms. Carol!!!!!

It's us Spunks, Jazz and Jake, we are going to help Pie out with dis
greeting for Carol from Ferret Friends and for Pixie. When Pie got
the scroll he came and got us cause he knows that when ever we gets
the chance to talk to you we are gonna take it.

Scooby-Dooby-Doo we really love you Grandma! Tell Daddy Billy we all
send lots of nice kisses and hugs to da both of you! Oh and Frostman,
PC, and the others send them as well!

And also tell Ms. Carol that her Rikki, Lisa, Phillip the Phine
Pherret, Baby, Frankie, Harley and the others send their ferret share
of hugs and kisses too!!!!!

OK guys, can you give a Greeter a break and let me do my job here? I
know that we are all excite about helping me out.

You sure bet we are, and I bet we are the first ones to get to help you
out too?? It's a bee-u-tee-ful day here today. The wind feels nice on
my fur. I like the way it makes my fur feel, like you are gently
skritching me. We all miss being cuddled by the people who love us.
Notice I said "love", not "loved", that cause we know that no matter
where we are, we are still loved.

This is very true. We all know that even after we leave for the Bridge,
we are always in your heart. Even if we entered your life for only a
few moments, like Pixie did, that we have in many ways filled your
heart to the brim.

When I received this scroll I felt my heart break. How is it that
anyone could open their home up to one of us, and not open their hearts
as well? I can only thank the Big Guy that you were there to see to
Pixie's needs. I know you Carol, you are going to be angry at the owner
of Pixie, and you should be, but please, please do not think you did
not do everything in your power for her, because you did. You offered
her the safest haven possible in which to pass onto the Bridge, and you
were there to make certain she was not alone when she left.

Shelter mom's everywhere are viewed by us as angels on earth. They time
and time again give unselfishly of themselves, they open their homes
and hearts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and they ask
for so little in return. I just want you to know that there is a very
special place for Shelter moms and dads up here, can you guess where it
is at?? Yep, it's right here with us.

Up here we are healthy, and we never have need of a doctor, or nasty
tasting medicine (coughcoughFLAGYLcoughcough) We never loose our fur,
or go blind or are unable to walk. We are always full of mischief and
energy, and we can take care of YOU! There are people sized hammies,
cuddly cups, sleeping sacks and even plastic bags we can all fit in. In
the summer we go swimming, in the winter we go sledding, and we can
have all of the "forbidden" goodies we want - and you can too!

As Jazz said is a beautiful day up here and was equally as beautiful
when Pixie arrived. We all gathered together, and by all I mean Grandma
Toler fuzzits and all of your fuzzits were here with me too as we
dooked and war danced our way to the Bridge. Can you imagine several
dozen fuzzits war dancing and bumping off of each other, as well as the
flora and fauna? Let's just say that by the time we all arrived we were
covered in petals and pollen and we had honey bee's tickling us
thinking we were flowers!

When Pixie came over the Bridge I bet she thought she had walked onto
the stage of some kinderkit play we were performing!

Indeed she was a beauty, a ethereal, light sable darling, and let me
make certain to mention she looked very fit and sassy too!

When she first put her tiny paw on our side, she did so with a bit of
apprehension. I slowly came forward and assured her she was in the
right place, and she told me she knew that, it was just that she wanted
to have a chance to say goodnight to you.

I thought she meant goodbye, but she corrected me by saying again she

"I want to say good night, because Ms. Carol was exactly what I dreamed
of, someone that would look over me as I went to sleep my last time. I
want to be here when she comes our way, so I can be there to say
goodnight to her when she is ready for sleep herself."

With that she walked into our rather large business, and she was
enveloped by the love of two very special families .... and me.

In Love & In Comfort,

Pie O' Pah

And lots o' love from the rest of us toooooo!!!

[Posted in FML 7017]