
I think you need to calm down. You really are overreacting.

3 feet is not that high for a ferret to get seriously injured. I'm
sure you've seen ferrets run around and play. They are pretty hardy
critters. I have a floor level ferret nation 142 and my girl climbs the
side to get to the roof of the cage all the time.( I actually didn't
know she was capable of getting up to the top until recently) And do
you know how she gets down? She jumps off the top of the cage to the
floor. She is always fine. It scared the heck out of me when I saw her
do if for the first couple of times, but she just runs off to play
normally once she's down. I put a cage cover to prevent such acts now,
but honestly she was totally fine.

This circus act is hardly animal abuse. And even mentioning PETA is
ridiculous. While PETA has good intentions, they usually do more damage
than good. This video has gone viral for a few weeks now. Millions of
people have seen it. And if it was really animal abuse, something would
have already been done about it. Please just calm down.



[Posted in FML 7015]