Let me tell you what I think. I think you need to take a step back and
really think about what you wrote and to whom you're writing it. You
are putting on a mailing list how cruel you really are by telling
someone whose 11 out of 12 animals were stolen..sold and possibly
killed, at least one is dead and thrown away like trash (you seem to be
quite familiar with the term 'trash'). I am on here and will continue
to be in search for my kids. Whether I find them or not, I will always
look for them and I will never give up. So, accept that now and if
there is an issue - please get over it now. Would I actually, knowingly
put an animal in harm's way? Of course not. Will I let someone think
I'm going to swap one for another to get mine back? Absolutely. You
have NO clue as to what I've dealt with on this one situation, let
alone all year long, so do NOT begin to tell me what to do. The ferret
can bond with whomever - they will bond with me again. Animals don't
forget and I know they will remember me. I am no scam. I am a person
whose heart was ripped out on September 7, 2010 and continue to hurt
because of ignorant people and stupid people who think putting animals
in the middle of things is fun. It's psycho. No, I haven't taken all
the legal recourses. You haven't seen mention of him abusing them
because HE SOLD THEM. Clearly, all of my posting will help as it's
called persistence, perseverance, and hope. A true animal person,
especially a ferret person, knows this. I will do what I can and never
stop until I choose, not when it's convenient for anyone else. So
please, to those who are just as cruel - I'm not going away so either
get used to it and get over it, or respect the fact that I've been
through some things you couldn't imagine and I will do what it takes to
do my best no matter who it annoys. I apologize to others as I did not
think my situation and postings would get a cruel response, but this
will further be dealt with privately if need be, and not over the
mailing list. Thank you and to those who are compassionate - I
appreciate it!

[Posted in FML 7012]