Kim Brakefield has been through alot. This has been extremely traumatic
for her and I can absolutely relate to all of the emotions she is
having. Imagine someone taking all of your precious furkids and not
knowing there whereabouts...except for one that suffered a tragic
accident. I would be absolutely mental and on a crusade as well.
Imagine her luck at locating one of them? I would be doing anything in
my power to reclaim that ferret as well. Kim is that ferret's rightful
mommy and who he belongs with. I am sure that the ferret would be
elated to be back with Kim and out of the hands of this stranger he
was sold to and if he was any kind of a human being he would give the
ferret back, no strings attached.

Legally, she is out of luck, very sad but true. I can't even begin to
try and advise her on moving on and "getting over" this. I admire her
determination and dedication to recovering her babies. When she
initially contacted me, my first advice was to post here on the FML to
spread the word as far and wide as possible, knowing that this would be
more effective than police reports etc. I recall a special little guy
belonging to Donna and Dan Christen that went missing , Odin was his
name I believe? and was returned home safely after SIX MONTHS.

Her ferrets could turn up anywhere. We all need to keep our ears to the
ground and Kim and her babies in our hearts. Hopefully her precious
furkids will show up safely in a shelter or someone having knowledge of
the situation will be able to help her recover them. Karma will take
care of her husband.

Kimberly Fox
Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 7012]