Hey Everyone!

Were home, finally. I checked my e-mails and have over 200 to go thru,
but for now, I CAN'T, and I really mean CAN'T begin (ok, weepy me, i'm
just really tierd) to thank you, all of you who took the time to send
messages of blessings, and hope, and love. I will eventually get to
each of you separately but right now i'm pretty busy with the "can you
get me thises, can you get me thats" for Benny. I'm trying to sleep
when he sleeps but there's stuff sometimes that needs to get done. I'll
get back to you when ever I have the chance to give my e-mail to you my
full attention. You deserve that.

I am SO incredibly blessed to still have Benny, we were told, many,
many times how close I came to losing him, as in the physical sense
or in the movement and breathing on his own department. I am also so
incredibly blessed to have my FBOG and FML family there for me with
blessings and words of encouragement. It meant and will ALWAYS mean so
much to me that y'all were there for me, even when there was nothing
else that could be done but pray. You were there for me and I will
forever be grateful. You are all the best friends and family in the
world and I love you all.(weepy again)

The weeks and months ahead will be challenging for Benny and for
myself. He did everything for ME(daily chores etc.) and now I have to,
and take care of him. I AM NOT COMPLAINING GOD! I am so happy to do it
all for Benny. I'm one of the very few that has my best friend for a
husband, even after 36 years of knowing him. But I do want to say to
you. Hug your hubbies, your sons, your daughters, you fur-kids. Life
can change in the crack of a branch and forever be different and
challenging. TELL your friends how much you love them whether they
"aw pshaw" you or not. I love each and everyone of you and I thank
you from the bottom of my heart.

Benny is doing very well. The re-hab staff was very pleased at his
progress which is why he got to come home so soon. There are some
adjustments to be made, sleeping in our bed is a major challenge for
him. We have LOTS of pillows as he can only sleep on his back. We'll
figure it out. Thank God he's here to HAVE things to figure out.

I have been so out of touch with everyone so could someone please tell
me how Sandi and Bo are doing. And Leslie, I sure would have loved to
have you in the hospital somewhere so that you could pop in whenever.
I do have to say that Grady's trauma unit is fantastic, They took very
good care of him while he was there. The nurses were kind to me and it
did help as best it could.

That's it from me for now. I don't know when I'l have time again to go
thru everything, but eventually I will. I just wanted you to know that
we are home, thank God. And thank God for the best people I could EVER
have in my life, all of you. Thank you SO VERY MUCH! Oops, duty calls.

From the Bottom of my Heart,


Please feel free to call or even pop by if you're close enough. OH! my
gosh how could I not mention this? Amereta and Jeff Julian cared so
much about me, and my babies that they came to my house when I was with
Benny, scooped up my sweet hearts and took them to their house for as
long as they needed to be there. I cant explain to you how much that
act meant. I LOVE my babies but I couldn't give them the time they need
and deserve while in this catastrophy with Benny. I would have not been
able to stay with Benny if my kids were at home. I have MISSED THEM
TERRIBLY, but they're coming home on Saturday! We will regain some
normalcy then. My kids took our dogs and they will be coming home
tomorrow. I worry about them jumping on Benny but we will deal with it.
I'm sending my biggest thank you to Amereta and Jeff and I will NEVER
forget their thoughtfulnes and help. They way they looked after the
well being of my babies so that I could pay attention only to Benny
means the world to me.

Ok, this is really it, I'm too slow on the "Can you get me's!"


Hide not amongst the shadows of grief,
but frolick openly in the meadow of memories.

[Posted in FML 7012]