The range of costs I got in replies to my question was $35-$160. I am
assuming that is for the implant itself, not including postage, the
office visit or insertion procedure. If anyone included these other
charges, please let me know.

My previous vet, who originally said they couldn't, or wouldn't get the
implants, recently sent me an email saying they now had them and the
cost of implant including insertion is $350!!! That seems outrageous
to me. Based on what others told me, I estimated maybe $250 because
everything is expensive here, but $350?! For an implant that someone
told me costs 38 aus$.

Now my current vet said he can't get them at the Humane Society and
referred me to someone I'd rather not deal with who is also very
expensive. I am so tired of getting the runaround. First they can't,
then they can; or they can, then they can't. But without a car (and
a ferret who poops every hour) I'm extremely limited.

Regarding the FERRATS, the story is very sad (much worse than my
ferrets from craigslist). But I cracked up at the name FERRATS. Maybe
I'll use that if I ever get caught with these illegal aliens. I'll just
say they're FER-RATS, a special kind of rat, since rats are not illegal
here. In fact I saw a nice big rat jauntily walking on the subway
platform last week!

From the city that never sleeps, even the rats don't sleep.

[Posted in FML 6988]