Good Morning All,

This is not the report that I wanted to send updating everyone on
me and my shelter ... but even a brief report is better than none.

First, I must apologize for the long delay in getting this out but I
have just now, in the past 10 days or so, resumed normal activity and
a regular sleeping/working schedule since the wicked accident in the
early part of January.

Second, a big, big hug to all that sent me lovely cards, well-wishes,
and all other kinds of goodies -- you have no idea how much that
encouraged us both during those weeks. It was nice to know that even
outside my little world, people cared about me, my Joe, my shelter,
and my fuzzie kids.

A great big whiskered hug and fuzzie kiss, from my "spokesferret" Bond - 
James Bond on behalf of my ferrets, to those who anonymously donated
bags of Totally Ferret and gobs of treats to the shelter during my
incapacity and for the few weeks following my release from the
hospital. What a wonderful group of folks you are....thank you, thank
you! Knowing my kids would be fed even if I could not work and put food
on the table myself after my release from the hospital meant so much
to me.....peace of mind is such a wonderful thing....allows you to
concentrate on healing and gaining strength to be a full-time shelter
mom again.

And to Eleanor who sent a very lovely little ferret angel that Joe
placed on my bedside table at the hospital during my "sleep" to make
sure I did not cross the Bridge too soon, a tearful...thanks. It now
serves a guardian angel ferret watching over a special needs fuzzie to
keep him from also crossing too soon and will continue to give those
special "prayers" to each and every ferret who will need it in the
future. Thank you, Eleanor. So much.

Even though I am almost myself, it is difficult to keep up with
everything. You see, our shelter now adds itself to the long, long list
of ferret shelters all across the country who have seen their intake
numbers swell while adoptions slow to almost nothingness...we have more
ferrets than we have ever had before, and the calls and emails keep
coming. I am now having to face the very real possibility to doing
what I said I would never, ever do....close my doors to incoming. And,
that, to me is heartbreaking. But, sadly, I believe I must or get
overwhelmed. And, then what!?! But, how can I live with myself knowing
I may have sentenced a ferret to certain-death by not taking it in...
just breaks my heart....I doubt I have any choice, though. And, to me,
it means I failed. Whether its truthful or heart just cannot
reconcile the fact I am it for such a large area and with the economy
soo awful here, alas, there is no one to help. But I am not telling
many of you shelter moms and dads out there anything you do not already
know and have known for some just took my shelter longer, I

In closing, I wanted to give a group hug to all of you who showed
concern over these past few weeks and apologies for not posting
earlier, but its been really difficult and time has been in such short
supply ....and, sadly, there does not appear to be any light at the
end  of the's just going to get more difficult.

Prayers to all of you shelter moms and dads out there, we travel the
same road together....God Bless!

Maren Qualls
Raisins From Heaven Ferret Rescue & Sanctuary
Hernando, MS

[Posted in FML 7010]