The Animal Rescue Shelter Challenge ends Sunday at midnight PT. Wind
and Willows Ferret Rescue leads by 3 percent for the state of Nevada.
It's been this way for weeks now, which means the same group of us are
voting daily and keeping them where they are, but we need more votes to
make sure they win the $1,000 state award. There's no registration, no
password to set up. All you have to do is go to


Select NV for the state, type in Fallon for the city and Wind and
Willows comes up. Click the vote button, you go to another screen
where you have to identify what type of animal is in the photo, type
the answer in, verify and you're done. All this will take a minute,
maybe two, of your time.

Please, Ferret Nation, VOTE!

Thank you,

[Posted in FML 7006]