Greetings for Snickers

Spring had come to the Rainbow Bridge and No. 421 and Oliver were
working hard to get their yard and garden ready for summer planting.
The raisin bushes had been pruned in the winter and were looking good.
There was a flutter of wings and Bluebird arrived. Sitting herself up
on her special perch she unfolded a ticket she had tucked under her
wing. No. 421 and Oliver came over to see what she had.

"I has a ticket here for a little lady named Snickers," Bluebird said.
"Seems she has two brothers here Sparky and Rascal. Do you think you
could look them up and have them at the bridge when she crosses?"

No. 421 took the ticket from Bluebird and looked at it. "I don't see
why not," he said. "Sparky and Rascal live over by the rock ledges, and
have been keeping house alone too long. That place needs a "woman's

Oliver set off at a trot to find the boys, and No. 421 went into their
cabin to get cleaned up.

"Snickers," he said. "That sounds like a cute name for a cute girl
ferret. I'd better get spruced up a bit."

No. 421 showered, and then he fixed his hair. Just as he was leaving,
he saw the bottle of aftershave Oliver used. "One little dab won't
hurt,"he said to himself. "Ops," the bottled splashed and more than a
dab landed on No. 421. In fact, it made his eyes water. How in the
world did Oliver stand that stuff he wondered. Toweling himself off as
best he could, No. 421 hurried into his clothes and started out for the
bridge. He arrived in time to see a pretty little girl ferret standing
on the planks wondering which way to go.

Just as No. 421 arrived, she began to cry. Big silver tears ran down
her nose and dropped at her dainty paws. Blue Forget-Me-Nots sprung
up around her where her tears had dropped.

No. 421 approached the young lady and spoke. She was startled and
looked up at him with big brown eyes. One more tear rolled down her

"Hello Snickers," No. 421 said. "I am Bridge Greeter No. 421 and I'm
here to take you to your brothers Sparky and Rascal." he said. "There
now, don't cry anymore. You will spoil your pretty face."

"Hello" she said, giving him her best smile. "Do you really have my
brothers here? I've been missing them so very much. When can I see

There was a commotion at the top of the path leading to the bridge,
and Oliver with Rascal and Sparky came down the path on a run.

"Snickers, oh Snickers," Sparky called. "Is that really you?" He rushed
up to Snickers and gave her a big hug.

"How is our Mom"? he asked. "I sure do miss her. Oh, here's Rascal".

Rascal took Snickers in his paws and just held her. "Now you stop
crying," he said. "Come on, we will take you home."

"Home, really home," Snickers said.

"Well, home to our mound," Rascal said. "Look, I know you will like it
there and you can have your own room and keep house for us."

No. 421 and Oliver were standing by watching the three hug each other.
"Would you like to send a message to your Mom," he said? "Shooting Star
is here and she will take it back for you."

"Oh I'd love that." Snickers said. "Tell Mom I love her and she was the
best Mom a ferret could have. Tell her I am with my brothers now, and
will help them keep house until she arrives. "Mom, we all love you,"
she said, and the three started throwing kisses. Shooting Star gathered
them all up and patting Rascal and Sparky on their heads, she bent down
and gently placed a kiss on Snickers cheek. Then she turned and ran on
just the points of her feet to find Gentle Breeze.

No. 421 told Oliver to pick all the Forget-Me-Knots and give them to
Snickers. Snickers doomed with delight.

"I'll put these on the table in our kitchen," she said. "Err, we do
havea table, don't we? I mean we have to have someplace to eat." Sparky
assured her she did have a table and the three started down the path to
home. Snickers rushed back and gave Oliver a hug and thanked him for
the flowers. Then she stretched up on tip paw and brushed a soft kiss
on No. 421's cheek. "Thank you" she whispered. "Thank you sooo much."

She turned and ran to her brothers who were talking with Oliver. "I'll
have you over for dinner as soon as I get settled in," she said. "Now,
I'm tired after my long journey so we will see you later."

No. 421 and Oliver went back to their cabin. Oliver put the rakes away
and No. 421 went in to start dinner. He gently touched his cheek. While
the stew was simmering, he wrote in his logbook, Mission Accomplished.
Snickers is here with her brothers Sparky and Rascal and she is happy
and, with those boys, I am sure she will be busy.

Oliver came up on the porch, and into the warm kitchen. The stew
smelled great and he was hungrier than he thought. He began to set the
table. No. 421 put on the crackers and served up the stew and the two
friends sat down to eat.

[Posted in FML 7004]