My name is Dudley Ryan and I have a story to tell. I am a domesticated
mammal of Mustela putorius furo. I want to thank BIG for his idea of
establishing a network for the ferret community because without this
network, I probably wouldn't have a family right now. In fact, I
probably wouldn't be around to share my story.
[Moderator's note: I didn't START the FML, just continued it. BIG]

In January, my Momma got an e-mail from a sweet southern Belle. It
would seem Momma met the southern Belle on the FML. They would
correspond about helping shelters with bedding so my cousins could have
warm snoozing places. Sometimes the bedding was brand spanking new and
sometimes it was the kind held together with tales and whispers of
other fuzz butts and the lives they lived. It was about the love and
caring of ferrets and sharing of human efforts.

The e-mail Momma got was a request for help for Me, Dudley. You see, my
family lost their home and I was in a shelter in Watertown, NY. Like
many shelters, they did not have the money to help ferrets like me with
medical problems. A nice lady working in the shelter spotted me and
initiated my my journey. This nice lady, believe it or not, was --
drum roll please -- a relocated Crafty Weasel from Georgia!

It seems Miss Norma came to NY with her Hubby, a military man. He was
training at Ft.Drum (10Th Mountain Division, USA - Poppa told me - he
likes military history). Please say a prayer for him as he is now
deployed to Afghanistan to keep America free and safe for us weasels!!
Oh, a back tomy story.

Miss Norma is bestest buds with Miss Florence, you know her, she is the
Head Crafty Weasel and the sweet southern Belle I mentioned earlier!
It would seem that Miss Florence once had a ferret and you know what
his name was? Yep, Dudley! And you know who he looked like? Yep, you
guessed it. So back and forth they went with discussions and pics of
me and my not so nice looking fur and skin problems. Even, how I looked
so much like that other "Dudders."

My fast thinking Momma talked with the Shelter Director and they
agreed, Momma could be a foster Mom to the kids for the JCSPCA - Oh
yeah, I have a buddy named Snow. He had all his fur but he was having
some respiratory issues, he needed help too. Our new Foster Momma
called a friend and they took a six hour road trip to get Snow and I.

First, we had to have medicine for our respiratory issues which Momma
thinks were a result of pine bedding, living in a smoke filled home and
perhaps exposure to human sneezes and coughs. Then Momma took us to
meet Doc G. He examined us up and down and in and out and good 'ol Snow
fell asleep in his arms and stole his heart. Way to weasel right in
there Snowman. Then, Doc offered Momma a free fecal exam for us. And
guess what? Yep, we had the bad guys in our tummies. Hmmmm, how did
he know?? Thank goodness for Momma's good cooking cause we got soup
everyday and she snuck the medicine in it for us. Back home to
quarantine we went to watch my fur grow and wait for my Deslorelin
implant. Doc agreed, I certainly was a candidate for the good old
Deslorelin implant. The Snowman moved on to win over other hearts - he
had room for more love now that his chest congestion was cleared up.

Last week we went back to see Doc, delivered our new poopie sample -
complete with a Deva picture of a ferret butt within a big purple
circle. We wanted to say thanks to the vet techs for checking our
poopies!! Hahhahahaha, we are so funny!! Such joksters!!!!! The office
was verrrry busy. No problem. I am a pretty laid back guy and very
social. I sat in my carrier and talked to a kitty and a Golden
Retriever. Then it was our turn. Doc said something to Jackie about
having to hold me while they did the injection. Then someone had to
help Momma off the floor where she was rolling around laughing. I lOVE
"TONE!!" I mean, I reeeaaallly LOVE FERRATONE. Momma of course already
knew this. She suggested to Doc that if he just loaded the cap Momma
brought and he pushed hard to get the needle through my exceptionally
tough hide, I would indeed entertain myself with the "Tone." Ummm, I
believe I heard them chuckling at me between slurps!!

I know one thing for sure. I want Jackie to come help Doc next check-up
because she gives LOTS of " Tone." Momma was a spoiled sport and
stopped her after about five helpings!!

I feel better now. Snow feels better now. This implant perked me up
within twenty four hours. I am loveable and I like to follow my hoomins
around the house. Momma says now I have a bigger bounce in my step.
I'm kind of a short hefty fella, about three and half pounds worth of
mustelid. Poppa calls me "Hockey Puck." While Snow is off playin with
his new buds, I'm playing ferruppy and followin my hoomins around
looking for treats and loving. For some reason, they trip over me or
scoot me across the floor - sort of like -- well, a hockey puck.

At the end of the week the mail came and Momma announced to me and
Snow that we had a new name and a forever home right here with our new
cagemates and friends, Silver Boy and Lil One. We had papers!! Momma,
Pop, Silver Boy, Lil One and Roamy had fallen in love with us and
wanted to keep us. WE have papers now that say we are Ryans!!

Snow and I are pleased we could share our happy LOVE story and thank
the people who made our journey and new life happen. It is all about
being connected, be it through the FML, the small world we all live in,
or the Universe that allows ferrets gone to Rainbow Bridge to return
in spirit to help a fellow mustlelid -- or two.

Happy tails to all, Dudley (and my side kick Snow)

P.S. Kisses to you Flo Momma and Norma, from us and "Your Dudley."

rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7002]