It was a lovely morning at de Bridge. SaraFerret Was sitting in front
of her cottage, doing absolutely nothing, just daydreaming. Very
unusual for her. Usually she was napping, or dusting, or crocheting,
or playing with the kits, or doing something like that. But today
was a lazy day for her as the kits were playing with their friends
and everything in the cottage was clean and she didn't feel like
crocheting. So daydreaming was what she was doing, maybe she felt like
being a flutterby today, or a bird or something else, WHO KNOWS? But
then she heard the whispery flutter of wings and looked up and there
came Dexter, the little boy courier. Fortunately for her, he landed
safely this time right beside her. (So unusual for him). He had a note
in his paw and handed it to her and said,

"SawaFewwet, there is a fewwet cwossing the Bwidge and she is bwind and
you best get over there. You don't want her to get lost and fall off.
You know the Boss would weally get upset with you if that happened. Is
there anyone you want me to get?"

I read the note and I knew he had already read it and knew where to go
(I hoped), so I sent him on his way. I shook myself out of my dream
state and flew off to the entrance, hoping I was not to late. (I hadn't
yet lost one off the bridge and had him fall off). But I was just in
time to see the Angel of Mercy bring her over and gently lay her at my
feet. The little fuzzy looked up at me. So I quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

She blinked her eyes and said, "Gee, I can see now. I never could see
before. Are you Lucy? You don't smell like Lucy. And your name is
different. Maybe names change. How come I can see now. If you aren't
Lucy where is she? Mommy said she crossed the Bridge. I don't really
care for a lot of friends. Or even green grass. Oh I should have told
you my name. Its Slim, and my Mommy was Laryssa and Daddy was Bill.
Do you know them?"

I replied, "Slim, I don't know your Mommy personally, but I have
greeted lotsa her fuzzies. You will see Lucy later, so just be patient.
You will change your ways once you get used to the life at the Bridge.
You will want to run and play and your friends will encourage you to
jump and play with them. I realize you don't understand everything
right now, but you will later when they show you all the fun and games.
But I will tell you about another surprise. You will get wings just
like mine--well not exactly--they will be wings special designed for
you. They are great for flying about the heavens. Sure beats hopping
from cloud to cloud."

This seemed to cheer her up a bit and she watched me flutter my wings
so we went down the path to the Wing House where the wings were stored.
But at the door we met her beloved Lucy. Oh she was so thrilled
(I betcha she was happy she wouldn't be stuck with an old lady
bridgegreeter). They danced for a bit, but eventually we opened the
door and went inside. On the counter was a big box marked "Slim." She
opened the box and took out her wings--Blue with pink tips. Lucy helped
her put on her wings and I adjusted her halo. Then she ran to the big
vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection. Then she turned to us and
said, "Gee I wish Mommy and Daddy could see me now." Then I gots an

We left there and went down the path to the Misting Pond . We sat down
beside the cool clear water. With one swish we saw the vision of Mommy
and Daddy and Monkey (of course) appear. She got so excited she started
waving and dooking with all of her might.

"I love you both so much. Thank you for loving me and taking care of
me. I have wings now. I found Lucy here. She says I will get used to
this place and there are fun things to do here. Don't worry about me.
I can see now and I don't hurt anymore."

Then she began to throw hugs and kisses and laid them on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by the time you should
read this it should have landed there and with another swish the vision
was gone.

So we left there and went down the road and Lucy led us to a group of
cottages which of course was for Laryssa's fuzzies. A large group came
running out to welcome Slim and she was overwhelmed by them. She could
see a party was set up and others were bringing in food. But Lucy said
to her, "First we are gonna take you to a special place which is so
much fun. The Otter MudSlide. You will just love it. Then we will come
back here."

I was invited to go along. But I could see Slim swept up in the group
and already adjusting to everything. I didn't even get a chance to give
her a goodbye hug like I usually do. So I just waved to all and said I
had so many things to do and headed for home.

I just knew Slim would end up loving the green grass and the new
friends in spite of what she had said.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6997]