National Ferret Day Celebration
Date: Saturday, April 2nd, 2011
Time: 10:00am- 3:00pm
Location: email for address

Contact Info: email to RSVP or get more info -- [log in to unmask]

This event helps us to care for the hospice and abused ferrets who have
found safety at the Wind & Willows Ferret Rescue.

- The Ferrets and Friends Memorial Garden--- please feel free to bring
  along a rose, shrub or few flower bulbs ( anything at all) to add in
  memory of anyone you have loved and lost.

- Our World Famous Ferret Playground

We are proud to announce we will be the first event in Northern Nevada
to have a SEED BOMBING

- Ferret Items & cages for Sale

- Tons of prizes and fun contests

- Weenie Roast (potluck side dishes appreciated)

- General Admission: Adults: $5.00 Children: $1.00
- Ferrets: free admission

This event is open to the general public, folks who want to learn about
ferrets, ferrets and their families.

We can all use some "change" in our lives so gather up your pennies etc
and bring with you for donations at the Wishing (get) Well:

We also would be grateful for donations of other daily necessities:
Wood Stove pellets (makes great, cheap litter), Cream of Chicken soup,
chicken baby food, plain canned pumpkin, Paper towels, Newspapers, etc.

National Ferret Day
Date: Saturday, April 2nd, 2011
Time: 10:00am- 3:00pm

[Posted in FML 6995]