Dear All,
I posted this on my Facebook, basically a day in the life of Barb Clay,
and it kinda took off. It's how I roll, the welfare of the ferret first
and foremost, never lose your focus on what you're trying to achieve.
Cool heads and common sense prevail.


So you've got a ferret in a store that is not doing well or behaving
badly, and you want it released to you. Before you say one word to
anyone, before you write one word anywhere, ask yourself what results
do you want. Be clear in your mind what your objective is, and
formulate the best plan possible for the best outcome possible. Always
remember; You get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar! Do
you want a ferret released to you so that you can care for it? Do you
want to nurture or continue a good relationship with a pet store
owner/manager/staff? That's just a couple thoughts off the top of my
head as to where I start in attempting to execute negotiations for
the release of a ferret in a petstore that needs special attention,
that I'm capable and willing to invest myself in. I'd been recently
contacted by someone about a ferret in a petstore that was becoming
increasingly anxious and unable to be handled. The owner had refused to
release the ferret to them, even for a discounted price. There became
a stalemate, and nothing was accomplished. Gave the approach a lot of
thought. Then, I made one contact about this situation. The original
breeding company the ferret came from. My presented interest was honest
and fair, no emotional grandstanding, and giving credit to the store
for otherwise managing for years a very reputable establishment
regarding the conditions and care of the animals there. The objective
was to get the ferret out of there and rehab it. One contact from me,
and it was accomplished. That's how it's done. Quietly and
professionally. If that doesn't work, then you bring to the table
more offers of negotiating. If all is said and done and nothing is
accomplished, and cannot move forward......ask for help from an outside
source, quietly and privately. Do not incite a mob action unless
everything else under the sun fails. That usually leads to no good
results, and relationships are ruined forever more....regardless of
how many ill or naughty kits need our skills to rehab. All lose, and
especially the animal. Here's an incredible bit of irony to this story.
So the morning that I was to go the pet store to pick up the bad little
ferret. I got a call from someone that'd I'd adopted to many many years
ago, and she was now the manager of a pet store. She had a naughty
little ferret that needed some rehab, with his attitude she did not
want to sell him. Both of these kits had their cagemates sold, and
they'd been left alone for some time, and the time did not do well
for them. Both of these kits were experiencing separation anxiety and
needed the rough and tumble of other same age kits. Did I say same age
kits? LOL So, I drove the 1.5 hrs to pick up the one kit, then 75 miles
in another direction to get the other. Got them home, and they started
sharing a quarantine cage in my isolation shelter called "The Love
Shack". Immediately they started bouncing off the walls like they had
been best friends all of their short lives! This was personally so very
gratifying to see them unleash themselves and all their pent up energy!
It was a WIN/WIN/WIN. My relationship with the first store owner/mgr
was established, and it was clear I was just wanting what was best for
the ferret, with the least amount of fuss. My relationship with the
other petstore was also established. No trainwrecks, no bad feelings,
no bombs thrown at anyone's reputations........and most of all, the
little ferrets won! Also, it was a very pleasant and rewarding
experience in dealing with one of the breeding companies to accomplish
the desired result!! It's not always that easy, but trust me, if you
start out lobbing bombs to an unsuspecting pet store owner, you will
get as much as you give, if not worse......they are in charge of the
animals sure to wrap your brain around that as you move
forward to try and negotiate the release of any petstore animal. Just
thought I'd share. Hope someone reading this has success with this
approach, it's worked for me for about 17 yrs of sheltering.***********

i've got to give a shout out here to the person that contacted me about
the kit in the petstore I'd never done business with. Thank you LL! I
know she would not want her name posted, she's always been a quiet
ferret warrior of rights! She was cool, calm and collected, yet
passionate...and level headed. We received the kit, the best of
relationships with the petstore was established. In fact, the owner and
I shook hands, and he was grateful to have my shelter as an option, and
myself for advice for any future issues. Really now, can it get any
better than this? And for LL, she's welcomed in that store, she did not
burn any bridges in her concern for this kit. She's a hero in my book!

From the Ferret Council there is a forum for all shelter and sanctuary
ops, and I'd like to invite everyone that is taking in ferrets
(shelters/sanctuaries), to consider joining us. We are an established
network, and with everyone invested in this mission, we can provide the
best support nationwide when any issue or crisis arrives, whether it be
a single ferret in a petstore, or any other situation that falls into
the category of community need. At this time, it's also critical for
us to know who is operating, and to what capacity. Some issues cannot
be addressed unless we have the known resources to rehome/relocate
ferrets. As a forum of shelter/sanctuary ops, you can come post for
help and advice.

For all you that are shelters/sanctuaries, please come join us and
expand the network so that we can best address community issues:

Hope all is having a great week, mine has been fantastic! I'm WINNING!

Barb Clay
Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
Dir of Shelter Affairs for Rocky's
Parkton, MD

[Posted in FML 6994]