Re: sinus infection... My tommy had pus coming out of his right eye...
The vet found a hole in the upper jaw into the sinus cavity, not caused
by a missing tooth! He was put on clavamox and injectable Baytril, and
for 4 months was ok. Then it looked like a lump under his cheek, on a
friday night. I put him back on the same anti biotics until monday or
tuesday when the vet had room to see him. I reasoned it might not be
the right meds so asked for a suseptability culture to see what bug we
were fighting. It was the best $78 spent as 2 days later it was a staph
infection needing penacillian. That finally nailed it. With people or
little ones, it is always a good idea to do a culture to see if the
right med is being used.:)
the ferret store no longer is in business,. Timmy's tonic is only
available from myself, give me a call, the number is on the recipe
page at timmyferret dot org.

take care,
Gary h

[Posted in FML 6969]