Hello everyone,

I have many many questions regarding international travel with
ferrets, as I wasn't able to find a lot of content online that touched
specifically on my needs. I would appreciate if any of you with such
experience could shoot me an email or give a reply to the list. :)

I will be visiting Finland this summer to visit my SO out there, and
currently have 3 critters and many questions arising with what to do.
While I would love to take them, I'm not entirely sure it's an option
that's available to me, mainly because of how airlines function and the
like. Has anyone here travelled overseas for a period of time and taken
their ferrets? If so, did you ship them in cabin (no longer available
from what I understand), as checked baggage, or in cargo? What was your
experience? How did you prepare at the destination and how long did it
last? If we go this route, I would imagine we'd have to prepare by
having a cage available there and all that mumbo jumbo. Finland is also
very ferret friendly from what I have found and been told, and are
perfectly willing to accept them into the country with proof of health
and whatnot as per their rules and regulations.

That brings me to my next question, which is what to do if I cannot
take them. The stay will be approx. 1 month, and I'm worried about
boarding them for that long. Has anyone ever done this as well? One of
the three is also not in the best health unfortunately, and she's an
old old little girl (about 7 years currently) so I'm not sure travel
is the way to go.

Anyways, I appreciate any help in advance. Thanks! :)

Lin M.

[Posted in FML 6967]