hello, everyone!!!

i just wanted to let y'all know that i am the one issuing ticket
numbers for the SOS Raffles again...and that i will be out of town till
sunday feb 6th...then at the hospital all day monday the 7th with my
mommy...[angiogram to see if she can have heart valve replacement
surgery]...so will not be able to give you your ticket numbers until
tuesday...so please do not panic if you do not receive your numbers
immediately...as i was prone to do before...

i do plan on being gone for 1/2 of each week for a while...i DO have
access to a computer...but not to the program i have for the numbers..
i do ask your patience...

please remember to send me an email at [log in to unmask] with your
ticket preferences and donation amount...

i am so excited to be back in the game...and there are so many great
prize packages in this raffle...[as always!] ... i look forward to
re-connecting with old firends and meeting new ones with this year's
SOS Raffles...

BOY!!! is it good to be back!!!

who will always be kat...even when she is supposed to be kathy...sigh

[Posted in FML 6964]