I don't know if there is anyone out there who might be able to help me.

I live in Costa Rica, where I have three castrated male ferrets, all
just at two years old.

Although I know that distemper vaccine actually generally lasts about
three years in healthy ferrets, three months ago I started trying to
make an appointment to get a distemper booster. In short, I can find
neither purevax-D nor Galaxy-D in Costa Rica; although, there is one
veterinarian who THINKS he can get a canine distemper vaccine with dead
virus which is not combined with other vaccines. No other veterinarians
have even thought they could get a canine distemper vaccine which was
not combined with other standard vaccines given to dogs.

So here are the questions. Would it actually HURT my ferrets to get a
combined vaccine shot? Also, as long as the doseage is adjusted to
ferret weight, in reality would pretty much any dead distemper virus
vaccine actually be okay for them, as long as it was not combined with
other vaccines? Finally, as I will be in the Virginia Beach area and
in Northern Indiana, would it be possible for me to just buy purevax-D
or Galaxy-D vaccines and bring them with me in my luggage? I mean, do
they need to be refrigerated or something like that? Could I buy the
vaccines without having the ferrets with me? If they DID have to be
refrigerated when in transport, can anyone think of a way to do it?
Within reason, cost is not really an issue here. I mean if it wasn´t
for the impossible paperwork and special permits to fly with them first
to the United States and then God forbid back to Costa Rica, I would
just do that; although, given that I will only be making a two week
trip, I would be somewhat concerned about the stress I would be putting
them under.

Moving on to Desorlein implants. I would also like to start my guys on
yearly preventative Desorlein implants as a way to hopefully keep them
from developing adrenal disease. There is a vet here willing to do the
implants, but she tells me that they are not available in Costa Rica.
Again, would a vet sell me them, so that I could bring them back with
me to Costa Rica? I would be willing to pay a consultation fee etc . .
.just as if I had actually taken the ferrets with me.

If anyone could help me with these medical concerns, I would be VERY

Finally, does anyone have experience feeding ferrets Innova Evo
Herring/Salmon dry cat food? There are NO made for ferret kibble blends
in Costa Rica. After, three months of hounding a veterinarian, I was
able to convince him to do the paperwork to import Innova EVO small
bite poultry blend, as he saw a potential market to also sell to dog
owners. So, I have been feeding them half and half mix of Innova for
Cats and Kittens and Innova EVO small bite poultry kibble, Just this
month, they started getting Innova EVO herring/salmon cat kibble, and I
was considering adding that to the mix, but I have some concerns about
weather or not fish is a good food for ferrets. Any ideas on this?

By the way, PLEASE don´t waylay me with the natural diet argument in
which you say they should be eating live prey etc . . . Truth be told,
I think that this probably WOULD be a better diet, but due to my work
schedule, the fact that I live in the humid tropics, and the inability
to get a reliable supply of multiple species, multiple age live prety
etc ...."natural" feeding is just not an option for me.

I know there is a lot of stuff in this message. I appreciate you taking
the time to read through it, even if you don´t have any advice nor
suggestions about these concerns.


Jay and the Chicos (Timmy, Barklay, and Buster)

[Posted in FML 6964]