Hey ....
All you sweet, generous, giving slow pokes, out there.....

We can still use your donations for our Scheidt fundraiser! We are
aiming to launch this coming week sometime...

We had a great turnout but would greatfully accept more donations, no
matter the size...;) We can always combine items so I promise every
donated item will have a place..

People like me, who have no talent can certainly donate a gift
certificate! We have a couple already , so no matter the size of it,
they make a fantastic fundraising contribution;)) There are many
websites and stores to choose from out there...

Whatever the donation, we only need a picture and we are asking you
to please hang on to the item until there's a winner...

That means you have until April 1st to make or buy it but we ask it's
ready to mail out by that date.... for pictures of gift certificates
we have pictures to use for those, no worry...;)

This is going to be a fantastic fundraiser so if you or/and your
company would like to be a part, please contact me at
[log in to unmask]
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That "crazy ferret mom", Julie has built our website so all pics should
please, go there...

So come one, come all .... let's make this a gigantic success!!

We would love to wipe out their $7,500.00 plus flu Vet bill...;))

Thanks soooo very much,
 ....but most of all , Cindy and her ferret kids....xoxoxo

[Posted in FML 6987]