I had posted the last two posts for a friend of mine. Although I would
gladly take care of Sammy 'til he was better, as I am a stay home Mom,
he is not my own. I hear he is doing well, and his Mommy made another
safety suggestion to me, It is one that I already do for my own
cabinets, and it works, so I'll share!

Home depot has these locks that are magnetic locks called "Tot Loks"
they work by holding a little magnetic device against the door, which
unlocks it. If you or someone you love is handy, the first one takes
25 minutes and some plumbing words to put in, but after that, they
take about 15 minutes a door. My door-diggers kept trying for a little
while, but once they discovered there was no progress, they stopped
trying, and went on to bigger and better things like my TP holder in
the bathroom, rearranging my shelves,(or I might say, clearing them),
and aeration attempts on whichever plant they notice is not out of

Just when you think you are totally ferret proof, these little boogies
find something new to get into.........I think the ferts all stand back
and whisper to each other, "Wonder what they'll do if I........." I
hear them whispering in their cages deep in the night after they think
I've gone to bed......."What can we do to the hoomins tomorrow,
Cheese?....."I don't know, Ham, what do you suggest?......that TP
incident made Mom laugh like crazy, but then she mumbled a lot as she
cleaned. I thought I heard something like "darn weasels....mumble
mumble....just cleaned.....mumble, lucky they're cute..." maybe we'll
just walk around quiet. she'll think we're doin' stuff, den we jus'
look all cute......" "Yeah, that's it, Ham, Dat's what we'll do
tomorrow, We'll take over de world!!!"" If any critter could.....

Cindy & the Slightly Used Ferret Gang

[Posted in FML 6986]