I was watching a news article about a starving cat, and they mentioned
refeeding syndrome, where they were not feeding the cat very much
because it would cause an electrolyte imbalance as well as other

We had two ferrets that were starved for 3 weeks come into our hands
years back. Both were unable to walk due to the malnourishment and
dehydration. I took them to the vet immediately, and was told they had
a 50/50 chance each. They didn't mention anything about the refeeding
syndrome, or offer me any medicines or fluids since the ferrets were
eating on their own. They said give fluids if they were dehydrated. I
think this advice may be what killed one of them.

Only one ferret made it. The other developed an electrolyte imbalance
after about a week of it being with us, and she passed away in her
sleep. The vet said there was nothing they could do.

It seems to me that this vet didn't know very much about ferrets,
despite helping me do chemotherapy (Tufts protocol) with one, and
numerous surgeries (but no adrenal surgery). Why would they have not
told me to be careful about feeding them? I am just kicking myself over
this. I should have know. But perhaps the damage was already done - the
ferrets didn't come to me, first, the people who rescued them wanted to
keep them. I spent two days convincing them they needed to be at the

Now, I know. I wonder has anyone else had starved ferrets come into
their rescue and had a bad outcome - do you restrict foods in general
for these ferrets? The one in question was severe. All her organs were
up under her ribs and what extended was the circumference of a dime.
Her sister was much better off. It's just such a shock years later to
realize that our best efforts probably killed her.


[Posted in FML 6986]