Possum Senior Reporter - Suzie Q cub reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge
February 2011

Possum Here: We're having a party - We're having a party - We're having
a party -

Suzie Q Here: Enough already Possum! If you are going to tell people we
are having a party - tell them when - where and why -

Possum Here: I was gonna if you had just let me finish - it is February
19th 2011 at the shelter here in Naples NY - noon - till - it is
because we want to show off our new shelter that everybody helped to
get us for Christmas - there Suz are you happy now - you are always
pushing me around and telling me what to do - we are also going to use
last months notes for this months news because mum has her computer
back - thanks to Mr. Dave - he got mum back on line - waving at you
Mr. Dave -

Suzie Q Here: my name is not Suz!!! Don't forget that Miss Mary B
is coming to the party and she told mum she would do an auction so
everyone that is here has a chance to get some new - used bedding -
toys and things for their fur kids - we are doing a dish to pass meal -
so far there is a salad and stuffed potatoes coming - mum is trying to
decide what she wants to make - oh yeah caramel corn came in the mail
last month - mum would not share it with us - Miss Deena makes it
special for mums birthday every year - she sends it to mum because mum
loves caramel corn - it is home made caramel corn mum can eat - Mum
had to find Sidney a ride to our favorite Doc - he was really sick -
bleeding all over the place from his mouth - mum could not get it to
stop so Mr Pete came all the way to Naples from Ithaca to get Sidney to
get him to Brockport - then Miss Jackie and Mr Bob went up to Brockport
to get him to bring him home - he is doing much better now -

Possum Here: Miss Mindy went to pick up a little girl for mum that was
found in a dumpster in Batavia NY - she is here in the shelter now -
she is finally acting like a ferret - mum has had her in the sick pen
up in mums space since she got here on December 15th - Miss Sheilla
named her for mum - her name is Luna - Mum calls her Luna Tuna - until
this week she did not do much but sleep and eat - when mum let her out
of the pen she would sleep in the box Miss Mary B made for us - but
this week mum has had to get her out of trouble - she is now climbing
behind the TV - that is a No Ferret Zone (NFZ) in this house - Mum says
she must be feeling better because Luna is getting into things like we
ferrets do - Miss Iliana took mum to lunch at Belhurst Castle
over her Christmas vacation - mum had never been there before - thanks
Miss Iliana for making our mum smile - mum really enjoyed the afternoon
out -

Suzie Q Here: Mum wants us to remind you every month until June that
June 3 - 5 the International Ferret Congress is hosting the symposium
in Phoenix, Arizona -there is lots of things going to happen that
weekend - the registrations are starting to come in - mum put 
message out to alert humans that may want to be vendors at that event -
they can contact mum if they are going to be at the event and want to
set up to sell their wares - here is the link to see what is happening
over that weekend - we - oh excuse me - mum hopes to see you there - we
can't go - mum says it is a working weekend for her - we can stay home
and hang out with Miss Donna D - she is going to stay with us while mum
is gone - we are going to have more fun - Miss Donna lets us get away
with all kinds of things

Possum Here: Suzie - are you crazy - you are telling people about
things we do when Miss Donna D is here - if mum gets wind of that stuff
she will stay home and send Miss Donna D to work at the symposium - you
can not be telling people about the things Miss Donna D lets us do when
she watches the shelter - mum will be having all kinds of fits if she
knew what went on with our time with Miss Donna -

Suzie Q Here: mum already knows Miss Donna D spoils us - this is a
short news letter but mum wanted us to get it out early so you all
could save the date to come to the shelter on the 19th of February -
so for now - see you in a couple of weeks -

Possum senior reporter
Suzie cub reporter

our new store site
Newest Shelter Video
shelter Video
Fur kids with new homes
The Giving Effect

[Posted in FML 6963]