It was a lovely afternoon at de Bridge. SaraFerret was playing ball
with her kits, Serena and Isabel. Of course they threw it so far that
she had to run and find it. There it was--right behind the raspberry
bushes--doesn't it figure. Just as she leaned in to get the ball, she
heard the flutter of wings above her and all of a sudden, CRASH!!!!!!!
Into the bushes she went with a little boy courier named Dexter on top
of her. Dexter managed to get off and she struggled to untangle herself
from the thorns--OUCH!!!!! Dexter had a note in his paw and said,

"OOPS! SawaFewwet, didn't mean for that to happen. Just wanted to
deliver this note. A fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge and you is the next
one up to gweet him. Although by the time you get thwough messing
awound he will pwobably be lost. You best wead this note and hustle
over there before the Boss gets upset with you. Is there anyone you
wants me to get?'

He handed me the note and I read it and told him to get the right ones
and where they should be. Then I looked at myself (berry-stained and
covered with thorns) and sighed. Ah well no time to waste with cleaning
up--even my wings were stained (great impression I would make on
newcomers). Off I flew to the entrance and no fuzzy was there. Oh
heavens I had lost him. He must have wandered off. I checked the
description: white patchy fur, black eye, kinky tail. Hmmm. Then I
saw him behind the gilded lilies. So I went up to him and introduced

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Sorry I was not right at
the entrance when you came across. This is your new forever home. Here
you will have no more pain or suffering. You will run on green grass
forever and have lotsa friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He looked at me like I had dropped out of the sky somewhere and said,
"Hmmm, you sure look funny. Does everyone here look stained like you."

I replied, "No, I had a slight accident with a wayward courier who
hasn't figured out how to fly and land at the same time and I ended up
in a raspberry bush. Usually I am rather well dressed and cleaned with
fancy wings, not ratty looking like this. I apologize for not looking
my best."

Just then Louie and Tazzy flew up and Meeko was so happy to see them
and they all looked at me. And of course Louie asked me what had
happened and all I said was, "Poor Dexter. He means well. Maybe he
needs glasses." They all started laughing as they knew me. Louie asked
Meeko if I had told him about the wings he was going to get. Meeko
said, "Nope." Tazzy said, "Oh you just wait; those wings are gonna be
so cool--great for flying about the heavens--sure beats hopping from
cloud to cloud." So since they had completed my task I told them all
to follow me.

All of us went down the garden path to the Wing House where the wings
were stored. We opened the door and all managed to squeeze inside (very
small bldg) and on the counter was a big box marked "Meeko" He opened
the box and took out his wings-Black with silver streaks and silver
tips-oh so very perfect for a fuzzy who had been through so very very
much. Tazzy helped put on his wings and of course Louie adjusted his
halo. Then he ran to the big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection.
For the first time he saw how handsome he was, Then he turned to us and
said, "Gee I wish my Mommy could see me now" Then I gots an idea.

We went out the door and down the path to the Misting Pond. We sat down
beside the cool clear water and with one swish he saw the vision of his
Mommy Wendy appear. He got so excited he started waving and dooking
with all of his might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for taking me home from the shelter. I
tried to be the best ferret in the world for you. I found my friends
here. I am safe here and I feel so much better and the place is really
nice and they are telling me about the fun things we can do. Oh yes, I
have real pretty wings now--you wouldn't believe the colors they picked
for me and soon I will be able to fly. Thank you for staying by my side
while I passed; that was so kind of you."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and laid them on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by the time you
should read this it should have landed there. And with another
swish the vision was gone.

We left there and went down another road led by Tazzy and Louie who
seemed to know where they were going. There were sweet williams and
blue cornflowers everywhere and pink daisies all along the path. Then
all of a sudden in a clearing there was the cottages where they lived.
So many fuzzies were running in and out of one cottage. You could smell
the food and hear music a-playing. Then a group came up to introduce
theirselves: "Hi, I'm Hanky, I'm Bedlam, Annabelle, Marshmallow, and of
course Diggy." They said the rest of the others were just friends who
had dropped in for the welcome to the bridge party. Meeko asked, "A
Party to welcome me?" Tazzy answered, "Well, of course! You are a very
special ferret!" They took us all into the cottage and OH MERCY, the
food--you would not believe! Chocolate this and that! Meeko's eyes
just bugged out. He leaned over to me and whispered, "Are you sure
we are sposed to eat this?" I answered, "Yes, we can eat this stuff now,
mainly at parties. But you would get bored eating it all the time. Here
drink this pepsi, I dearly love this stuff or try this sweet iced tea.
I used to steal this from my mommy when I was on earth. Notice the
straw. The straws make it really fun--sorta reminds you of home when
we usta steal it then."

Meeko was stuffing a chocolate bar into his mouth and had glass of iced
tea with a straw when a young lady fuzzy asked him to dance. He mumbled
something through his mouthful, but said something to the effect that
he would after eating. I stayed for awhile, but realized I had to get
home and do something about my wings and my stained body, So I gave
Meeko a brief hug and waved all a good bye,

I dropped by the Lily Pond to wash off the stains and get the thorns
off, No hope for the wings. So I headed for home. When I arrived there
was Dexter with a new set of wings for me and an apology saying he
would try to do better. He helped me put on my new wings and I felt
much better. Dexter went back to the courier cottage feeling that he
had done his good deed for the day.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and Hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6985]