My little Miss Roise is not eating. She about 8 1/2 yrs old and has
been getting Leuprilide or Lupron 100mg (can't read DR writing ) once
a month shot for 2 yrs and about 3 months now, we started Melatonin's
implants about 9 months ago and she get them every 3 months. We also
had a blood work done 5 weeks ago and the Vet said it look good. We
took her to the Vet yesterday and he checked her out and give us some
antibiotics to give her. She is a small one and only weighs 12 oz. She
drinks Little water and nibbles at her food, all she eat is Marshall
food and nothing else. We tried treats but she don't like them. She
sleeps alot and appears weak. Any suggestions would be high
appreciated. She is are little SWEETHEART.

[Posted in FML 6978]