Hello everyone,

"Open mouth, insert foot"--that's me! I just want to send a HUGE
apology for my posting yesterday about the article in the Seattle
Temes--I should not have sent the link without first checking with
the shelter.

The newspaper article was not only biased, it had some gross
inaccuracies. The ferrets are well-cared for, and not harmed in any
way, and the program is supervised by a skilled and expert ferret vet.

The paper said the ferrets were kept for six years--which is what upset
me so. Tunrs out that was NOT TRUE.

They are kept for only six MONTHS during which they are loved and
cuddled and socialized. . .and yes, I did see some in the shleter, but
that is because THEY MAKE EXCELLENT PETS because they have been taken
care of.

Please, everybody, understand that it was an honest mistake I made
in posting it, but that I thorougly regret sending it without first
verifying. You know how one sometimes assumes that "what's in The
Times" is true. . .well, IT IS NOT.

So please, no upset letters to anybody about the ferrets--I have it
on good authority that they are happy and healthy and it seems to me,
actually better off than a lot of other ferrets in homes that, for
whatever reason, may not be able to care for their pets

And special thanks to Kevin for wasting no time on setting me
stratight. I hope that my posting that link will not cause any negative
things to happen.

The shelter is one of THE best ever and I have the highest respect and
regard for their work. I am so embarrassed and chagrined that I may
have inadvertently given them some bad press!

Zorro and Mickey send regards to all their "cousins."


[Posted in FML 6971]