Front page article in this morning's Seattle Times, about a physicians'
group opposed to the intubation of ferrets for training purposes!

These are "real doctors" from the Physicians Committee for Responsible

The person trying to defend the practice states that the ferrets all go
to good private homes after serving their time.

But I could have sworn that at least some of them --the "retired"
ones--were at the Washington Ferret Rescue and Shelter back in 2006,
when I went to adopt Mickey and Zorro. Someone from there could
probably verify.

To me, it doesn't seem like much fun for a little ferret, working as
a research animal. I gave my two extra kisses and told them they were
very much wanted and loved.

Kate (curently -owned by "George & Michaela," nicknamed "Zorro &
Mickey"--a dark-and-dashing big sable boy and a sweet-and-spunky tiny
red-headed girl)

[Posted in FML 6970]