The sun was behind a cloud, and dusk was falling on a chilly January
afternoon. No.421 and Oliver were snuggled down under an afghan waiting
for the evening. A fire crackled in the fireplace and the room was
cozy. Oliver was almost asleep when there was a pecking at the window.
"Hello in there." a small voice chirped. "Let me in, it's cold out
here." Oliver crawled out from his cozy spot and went to the door.
Bluebird flew in with a ticket in her beak.

"Oohhhhhhh it is nice in here," she chirped. "Look fellas, I hate to
make you go out tonight, but we has a fuzzy crossing. His name is
Biscuit and he will be looking for family. Do you suppose you could
bundle up and help him. I know it is late, but if you hurry, you can
be back before it gets really dark.

No. 421 took the ticket from Bluebird and looking it over said to
Oliver, "You go down by the Ferretone Falls and I think you will find
Barney & Cubby live in that mound to the side of the ledge," No. 421
said. "Tell them to come up to the Bridge and I'll be waiting for them
with their buddy."

Oliver pulled on his heavy jacket and boots and started out the door.
Bluebird decided she would stay by the fireplace, as this was her last
ticket for the day.

I'll just sit up here and keep my toes warm," she said. "I hope you
don't mind."

No. 421 said she was welcome to stay the night and throwing another log
on the fire, he started off for the bridge.

Oliver had just arrived at the Ferretone Falls and was looking around.
He spotted the mound right away. There was a warm glow coming from the
windows and something delicious was cooking. He went up and knocked on
the door.

Barney opened the door, took a look at Oliver and invited him in. Cubby
was mixing something up on the stove. "Hi Oliver," he said. "What
brings you here tonight?"

Oliver swallowed hard and said he was sent to bring them to the Bridge,
Biscuit was crossing and his Mom had asked if he could meet up with

"Biscuit, Biscuit is here," Cubby said. "Barney, you set another place
at the table, then go meet him, I'll tend supper and have it all ready
when you return."

"Sounds like a plan," Barney said, and he and Oliver went out into the
deepening dusk and set off at a trot for the bridge.

No. 421 had just settled down in his chair when the bridge began to
sway. A lone ferret was crossing carrying a purple blanket.

"Hello Son," No. 421 called. "Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge. You would
be Biscuit, right?"

"I'se Biscuit," the ferret answered. "Where is this place and why am
I here?"

"Son, this is the Rainbow Bridge, you were sick and could not get any
better, No. 421 said. "You crossed over and will stay here until your
Mom comes for you."

Biscuit began to cry. "I'm gonna be so lonesome here," he said. "My
buddy Tater is back home and I'se all alone."

"Now son, you are not alone," No. 421 said. "We have family members
here who are waiting for you. My currier Oliver has gone to find them."
Just then, Oliver and Barney topped the hill and came running to the
Bridge. "Hey Biscuit, that you," Barney called. "Hey Buddy  -  you're
looking good. Made the trip is great shape."

Biscuit dried his tears and smiled at Barney. "Is Cubby here to?" he
asked. "Yep" Barney said. "He is home cooking our supper."

No. 421 stepped forward and asked Biscuit if he would like to let his
Mom know he was here and with family?

"Oh that would be great," Biscuit said. "How do I go about this?"

No. 421 called Shooting Star and she offered to take down his message.
She sat down next to No. 421 and began to write.

"Dear Mom", Barney began. "I have arrived here at the Rainbow Bridge
with my purple blanket. Remember Barney? He was here to meet me and
said Cubby was cooking some supper for me. I miss you very much, and
I want to thank you for all you did for me. Tell Tater and the other
ferrets I miss them ssssoooo much. Tell them Barney and I will add on
to the mound and make room for them when it is their turn.

I love you Mom, here are some kisses to last you till we meet again."
And saying thatm he threw an armful of kisses out in the air.

Shooting Star wrapped the message up and said she would deliver it
later tonight when it was dark. She put the kisses in a bucket and said
she would drop a kiss on all the ferrets and save one for his Mom.

"Come on Biscuit, we got to go, supper must be ready by now," Barney
said. Barney thanked No. 421 for meeting Biscuit, and Oliver for coming
to get him. Then, the two ferrets skipped over the hill and down the
path to the Ferretone Falls.

Cubby had set the table with three bowls and was getting ready to dish
up his famous Raisin chili when Barney and Biscuit arrived.

Cubby ran and put his paws around Biscuit. "Welcome home, Buddy," he
said. "Once you get to know your way around, you will love it here. Mom
will come for us one day and we will all be together again. Did you
bring that purple blanket with you? Boy I do miss that." Biscuit said
he had it indeed, and they could all snuggle down after supper. No.
421 and Oliver arrived home just as it was dark. Bluebird was sleeping
on the mantle. The two friends put the kettle on for tea and No. 421
fluffed up the pillows on the couch. While Oliver made the tea, No. 421
wrote in his logbook, Mission Accomplished. Biscuit is with Barney and
Cubby and he is a happy again. They will have a lot of catching up to
do. Then the two friends snuggled back down on the couch, sipping
ferretone tea, while the fire crackled and Bluebird rolled over on
the mantle, stretched and tucking her head under her wing, went back
to sleep.

[Posted in FML 6932]