This might be a long shot, but I'm looking for ferret sweater patterns,
either knit or crochet. I have a friend who has a male ferret that has
lost his fur, she's had him to a very ferret knowledgeable vet, and
the vet cannot come up with any illness or reason of why the fur loss.
Dante is a happy active 6 year old pink eyed white, who loves to give
kisses and loves to snuggle.

I would love to make him at least a couple of sweaters to keep him cozy
while his fur grows back in, which it is doing slowly. This New England
weather isn't the best weather to be "nakid" in!

If anyone has patterns, I would love to make some up for Dante!


And Monk & Scamp thank you too!

[Posted in FML 6956]