I honestly think what the ferret community needs to do is find out
first of all what the necropsy report findings are. From there, start a
petition online and yes petitions or causes on facebook work if enough
people stick together and make it work. Most likely the ferret was the
innocent victim here and so that the ferret did not die in vain, needs
to be exhonerated not only for him/her but for the ferret community,
ferret shelters/owners and ferret world. Newspapers, television has
given ferrets a bad name once again and it needs to be reversed, these
people need to eat their words and owe the ferret, ferret community a
apology in writing and on television. If enough people get together and
do this, we can move a mountain so to speak. I have seen the online
petitions make a difference. Making it a cause? on facebook if possible
( I do not know enough about how to do either one) would allow friends
to send invitiations to other ferret lovers around the world. Does
anyone know how to get the necropsy results or are they going to be
hush hush? We all know the parents are to blame and most likely the
husband was in a drunken stupor and automatically grabbed and flung
the ferret because the ferret was there out of curiosity and indeed
not the one that did it.

Eleanor, Donald and the 12 ferrets (missing Cinnimini)

[Posted in FML 6947]