I experienced my first loss of a ferret a year ago and it was
devastating, you know it's going to happen, but you just aren't
prepared. I had to put my ferret Grandpa to sleep, he was over 8 and
I had had him 5 of those 8 yrs. When I first got him he looked like a
skeleton with skin stretched over it and like he had the mange, this
was my first adrenal ferret he also developed insulnomia 3 yrs after
I first got him. I learned about the implants and he made the most
beautiful Cinnamon guy I'd ever seen. He started going downhill and I
had to syringe feed him chicken baby food mixed with dry every 2-3 hrs
day and night and did this for almost a year, he just wouldn't eat his
dry food at all. He would drink water and I kept it close to his bed so
he could reach it easily. When he started losing control of his bodily
functions and just didn't want to eat at all I had a great ferret lady,
Angela tell me that I would know when it would be time to put him to
sleep. At the vets I was waiting for them to come and give him his
sleepy shot, he just lay his head on my shoulder, I was crying
uncontrollably and with a tear in his eye he just raised his little
head up and licked my cheek. I told him I loved him and would miss
him, to go over the Bridge and wait for the others.

Then I lost my Bandit, I told him Grandpa was waiting and to wait for
his cage mates, Damon and Setiva. I told him that they would be coming
one day and would need him to show them the way. At the end of December
I had to put my Charity to sleep, she was 9 1/2 yrs old and was ready
to go to the bridge. This month Damon and Setiva joined their cage mate
Bandit. I just lost my big boy Freddie due to adrenal and insulnomia.

I have 12 ferrets left and most of mine were old and sick when I get
them. I'm just an individual that takes in neglected, abused, old, sick
unwanted ferrets and give them a safe loving place to live out their
lives. I'm still trying to deal with the loss of my beloved ferrets and
know that death is a part of life, but that doesn't make it any easier.
I keep telling myself I'm not taking in anymore, their lifespan is to
short and it's too heartbreaking when you lose them, that is until the
next one comes along and here I go again, giving my heart and soul to
another little ferret.

[Posted in FML 6945]