Good Evening members of the FML.

It saddens me that the first post I will be making on this list has to
be done under such circumstances, but as the new director of the Kansas
City Ferret Hotline, I feel it is important to break my silence and
make a statement.

I believe all that can be done is being done at this time. The local
media have been generous in involving people including myself and
Angela in the reporting, and it has done wonders in damage control
for the area. Our members have provided a united front and have met
all questions with logical answers and I am incredibly proud of them,
well done I love you all. Angela has been working closely with the
detectives involved with the case and I am proud of her efforts. Right
now it is a waiting game for justice which will take time but together
we will make it through as long as we stay calm.

For the people on the front lines, the shelter moms and dads, I offer
you this. What is really beneficial is reaching out to your local media
outlet. Offer to make statements about normal ferret behavior. We have
all suffered a bite from a scared or abused ferret and know what it is
like. The wounds on the child are not indicative to a ferret bite or
behavior and would have taken an inordinate amount of time to inflict
and would not have gone unnoticed if indeed the parents were present.
Remember, specific examples of personal experiences are very powerful.
The hardest part to triage will be news blips that do not give all the
information such as the one referenced on CNN. Don't be afraid to get
out there and answer questions. Most people will just be inquisitive
and sometime their questions will be off putting. By remaining calm
and answering with factual information, the person will leave better
informed and with a positive attitude towards the ferret community.

You will of course have the occasional person who spouts uneducated
hateful comments, just today I received an email from and individual
who called me "mentally ill" for sympathizing with the ferret. I told
him I appreciated his opinion but perhaps he should know all the facts
before making uneducated comments and added that I would be happy to
answer any questions he may have.

In closing I just want to reiterate that we can make it through this
together. Ferret people are passionate and caring. We are special
people, who love a unique and wonderful little animal, and these little
ones don't deserve what is being said about them, but they do not have
a voice, so it is up to us to speak on their behalf.

Thank you for being there for the fuzzies,

[Posted in FML 6942]