Very pleased to see a necropsy is being performed on the ferret and its
stomach contents being examined. I would bet $1,000 that they won't be
finding any baby flesh in it's stomach.

A bit angry at the police chief "Ambrose" comments about the ferret
people calling him:

"In the wake of the most recent incident, ferret activists and rescuers
from around the country have called Ambrose about the pet.

"We've had them calling from all sorts of states asking about the
ferret," Ambrose said. "Well, I guess if you collect dead ferrets
you can have one."

Uh, Chief, we're not calling because we want the dead ferret we're
calling because we know that ferrets just wouldn't do this and are
pissed at how much this story's going to impact public opinion about

[Posted in FML 6941]