>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>It's such a hard time right now for so many that we figured that this
>video clip could be of interest and cheer up people:
> <http://tingilinde.typepad.com/starstuff/2011/01/inverted-mortgage-cut-by-leo-laudenslager-our-mortgage.html>

It is sad to note, that my friend, Leo Laudenslager, who was flying
the Stephens Akro/Laser 200 in the video, was killed in a motorcycle
accident in 1997. A car crossed over the centerline and hit him head
on. He lingered in the hospital for a month and then passed away.

His flying was a joy to watch. I remember when he perfected the square
loop, then, here, at the Reno Championship Air Races, he told the
announcer that he was going to do it a wee bit different....he then
proceeded to do an OUTSIDE square loop! (Where his Laser 200 was flying
inverted!) The crowd of 20,000 was absolutely silent after he completed
the loop, then, as one, exploded in applause and yelling. He said
afterwards that he heard the crowd from inside his plane!


[Posted in FML 6940]