Yes, pumpkin does have some natural sugar.

I use it occasionally with my kids (elderly or young) when needed.

Pumpkin is excellent for making loose stool firm and helping to bind
together "things" in the dietary tract and pushing them out.

I'm not saying pumpkin should be used if you have a major blockage.
I've found (and so have some ferret friends) that pumpkin is great
to push out partial blockages and also firm up loose stool.

When I use pumpkin I put a small portion in my "gravy" blend that I
feel 2x daily (or more as needed). Since I only use a small portion
of pumpkin I do not feel that it raise glucose levels. I have not
personally experienced any issues related this.

I purchase canned organic pumpkin and use an extra ice cube tray to
freeze portions of the can for easy use in the future.

Best of luck with your kids!

in Atlanta, GA

[Posted in FML 6935]