Dear Randie-

I know that there are "ferret whisperers" out there who can probably
work wonders with Chibi, given enough time. They may want to "yell" at
you for finding a new home for Chibi. Having grown up in a home with a
Neurologist (you are probably sick and tired of Neurologists!) I also
know that seizures are erratic and potentially damaging things. It
takes a lot out of you to have a seizure, and you can't control what
you do. You could fall and hurt yourself terribly, or hurt Chibi
without meaning to. Every seizure is sort of a crapshoot--you roll
the dice and you get what you get. Sometimes what you get is really
very badly hurt.

Your situation sounds very tense. YOU could be hurt. CHIBI could be
hurt. I can completely understand your Dad's anger, too. He loves you,
and your seizures scare him. I think that way too many people give up
on a difficult ferret but doing the loving thing here may well be to
give Chibi up. This is an unusual situation, not the usual "it poops
everywhere, it eats my couch, it wants more attention than I want to
give it, I don't have the time for it" kind of thing. This is a valid
medical issue. And anyone who loves an epileptic and has seen them
seize badly knows that this isn't a "vanity" issue for you.

If you stay afraid of Chibi you won't be able to give her the kind of
love and attention that she needs, wants, and deserves.

Please help the FML help you. Please let us know what area of the
country you and Chibi live in. There may be someone nearby who can help
you rehome her. You can also help any shelter willing to take Chibi by
donating some cash to her upkeep, a bag of food, or some basic shelter
cleaning supplies like paper towels. With this economy shelters are
stretched thinner than ever. Any help you can give will help a *lot*.

And anyone who "yells" at you on this forum? Hasn't walked a mile in
your shoes. Epilepsy is an inconvenience for some. But it is a very
serious business for some.

Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 6935]