Anonymous poster MM posted the following:
>Someone suggested the food to me because my ferret is chunky and
>because it has higher protein and less fat than most ferret food
>so my ferret can lose weight in a healthy way:
> Crude protein (Min) 40.0%
> Crude fat (Min) 12.5%
>The reason why I asked is because the ingredients don't seem to hot
>or will fly for a ferret diet."

MM, if you had included this information originally, then people may
have been able to give you good suggestions as to which food might be
a better option or some other ideas for helping your ferret with its
weight, instead of focusing on the food itself. Any time food is
mentioned on the FML, these types of discussions start.

(tangent: I was always surprised at the vehemence of people on the FML
when it came to the "right" food to feed. Sadly, it is not a unique
phenomenon. I've heard from people on dog and cat lists that the same
types of discussions happen there. At least it shows that ferret people
are just like other pet people, but I'm not sure that is a good thing
in this situation.)

Perhaps you could say what foods you were/are currently feeding your
ferret, and perhaps how much. I have not seen an overweight ferret, but
I have limited experience. The only overweight ferrets that I have read
about are that way due to side affects from medication.


[Posted in FML 6926]