I am beginning to have a love /hate relationship with the holidays.
it seems I can't get past a holiday without loosing one of my babies.
Today we escorted Jannie Edna Fishback to the bridge, she will now
play with her bridge brothers and sisters.

She had been sleeping more lately and not interested in playing. A few
days ago we noticed a fowl smell coming from her, she was dehydrated
and had mouth ulcers. we gave her fluids, Carafate and chicken baby
food all which she refused.

Today she let us know it was her time, so at 11:00 we escorted her to
the bridge.

Jannie had such personally, she was in charge and don't you forget it!
She did things her way including this.

Our hearts are now missing another big chunk. Keep it safe for us

Have you hugged your ferret today?

[Posted in FML 6925]