A week and a half later after getting the two girls someone at least
took to the vet hospital, they have names (Galena and Kaida) and they
have LIFE! Seeing them now you would hardly believe how bad they were.
Maybe some of you shelters who have been around for a long time have
seen this more than I have, we are still relatively new and these cases
are some what shocking. How can anyone starve these creatures to near
death and not give them water? The larger one, Kaida, is mellowing in
her attitude, there is no issue with Galena. Next we'll see how they
behave with some other ferrets.

Thanks to everyone who sent name suggestions. They were all good and I
will keep them handy for the future.

Carol J. Owens
Ferret Friends, Inc.
Tucson AZ

[Posted in FML 6925]