Well it foods and even doggy foods,, Ya no i have been a shelter now
for oh god i have lost track of how long i think at least 13 yrs or so
now, and at that time i only fed muzzri ferret foods wish i would give
anything to go back to cause in my book it was the best ferret food
along with the purina kitten chow, i didnt relly know of the other
foods like totally ferret and 8 in 1 and so forth, but i have been a
member of the S.O.S and the fml and the AFA now for a very very long
time, and you all especially us shelters here have tried out many foods
rather it was cat kitten ferret and even dog foods remember people
feed evo dog foods now like the small red meat and all.

and so thru the years there have been so many changes of so called
better foods and better ingredients and so forth, and i have tried it
all. some of the foods cause diarrhea, throwing up or caught in throats
cause of the shape of foods or no much corn, grains, and you name it
its either better then thou foods and I can say anything against Raw
foods cause i dont know anything about it and dont want to know, but i
hear its better for the ferrets to just like all the other foods we
speak of. BUT let me tell you all from my experience here but since i
have switched back to Purina Kitten into the totaly ferrets foods my
ferrets have been gaining their healthier weight back like they should
have they are more active then they used to be for along time. we dont
hardly get sick anymore where i have to rush them to the vet cause they
have severe diarrhea or throwing ups and blockage from dog foods or have
the drs dig a food like 8 in 1 star shape cought in their throat or
diarrhea from it or whatwver, theres' always an excuse for each and
every food out there rather its good or bad.

Sunny my little girl that i almost ran over with my car back a few
months ago the little tiny girl that had her teeth grinded down to her
gums cause she was a biter, she was only OZs never waighed a pound in
the first 4 months i had her all she had was duck soup . then a couple
months ago my vet ask me a stupid Q about the ferrets foods. she said
Susan what did ferrets eat before they ever came out with ferret foods,
I said CAT why, well it never accord to me that hey Food is Food
regardless as long as the ferrets eat it and its not bothering them
then lets let them eat it, so i went back to my Purina Kitten and
Totally ferret ya totally ferret has alot of grain in it, but so do
other ferret foods or corn or weat rice you name it its in there in any
of the foods, So lets take all the foods away and what are the ferrets
going to eat. we cant let them die now. most of our ferrets were never
thought to eat raw diets. to me guys its just like breeder ferrets not
talking about marshalls farms ferret only but to me private bred ferrets
are almost the same as private bred ferrets, they die young, they get
cancer and or any other medical problems other ferrets do, I have a
dear friend who just lost her only private bred ferret of 2 years old
and he was full of cancer. so the foods all kinds and ferrets all kinds
of different breds and so forth, to me is nonthing as im just a Shelter
trying to take care of the I dont wannas and they pity excuses and all
i can do is feed them totally ferret foods and purina kitten hey forgot
to tell ya sence i went back on purina Sunny can eat kibble now and she
weighs 2 whole pounds never had sence shes been here.

Im probably not making any sence here and my spilling sucks but thats
ok, but I went back to Purina Kitten and im still on totally ferret for
now mixed for them except for sunny, but im happy with what i have the
kids one for now as they have been gaining their waight back and more
playful and active and less problems, but I would LOVE to get these
kids on Muzri and Purina kitten like i used to befor years ago, The
reason i took them off i heard it was one of the main thing that causes
cancer in ferrets well WRONG, i havent had any in years and i have
ferrets comming down with cancer and the only foods they been eating is
8 in 1 and totally ferrets foods. So you tell me Will the Real better
food for ferrets please speak out as well as the cat food people,, and
Im speaking out for the Purina Kitten and the Purina one kitten..

Sorry this is long but i havent had to get to anything much when it
comes to foods, i been to busy listening to other people and the food
problems and what to do without saying anything..

Arkansas Ferret Shelter for the Hospice and Sp Needs..

[Posted in FML 6924]