Hey all

I am terrible at trying to figure out things on the computer. But if
you google Zoos Strobach, you will see that one of the shelters falsely
accused of hoarding is in yet another positive news article. This one
is Ferrets USA. The sanctuary and its operator are listed first in this
Who's Who article.

Some years ago, I rescued 2 elderly ferrets. I had NO idea just how ill
they were, though it was obvious that one was adrenal. Both excreted
very oderous slime/lime within a few days of arriving. I had just been
patting myself on the back for being so good at caring for these two.
I was souping with syringes, took them immediately to a vets, etc. I
was not such a blessing after all, though I did bring both home. This
bonded pair had been seperated in cages the size of a hampster cage.

Mystic and Bongo were their names. Mystic, the tiny white one, did not
make it, despite round the clock care at the sanctuary. Bongo ended up
needing multiple surgeries. I paid for them, the meds, the soups, and
beyond. But what is the true value of a life saved?

Bongo tried coming home with me, but ended up with still another sudden
growth. After surgery, he required soakings, and fluids, and wrappings.
And then there was yet another surgery. I don't remember how many he

He was such a character...such a crusty old man. He kept trying. So we
kept trying.

His naked bloated body grew the most beautiful coat. His old legs
toddled merrily around the cozy and large sanctuary play room. He found
buddies that crawled over him on the floor...two old geezers sniffing
butts in contentment. He enjoyed that simple interaction. A gentle
meeting, sleepy sacks and baby blankets, and toys, and room, and baby
food and love filled his remaining months on this earth.+

Mystic and Bongo: I remember them today.And I recall the hours and
months of struggle a shelter mom endured for the love of ferrets. Even
after death..I came to pay respects to Mystic. Her tiny white body had
been placed as though in sleep in a ferret bed for us to honor. And
Bongo? He lived on and on with his multiple meds...still wishing to
investigate the mess of boxes and crinkle papers and rugs and treats
Aunt Lisette always brought. He looked far more healthy and much
younger when he passed in his sleep than he did the day I brought him

Merry Christmas little ones.
Merry Christmas Cathy.

[Posted in FML 6923]