Dear SaraFerret:

It would mean the world to me if you could check on all my babies for
me and wish them all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, there
are 16 and I hope that they are all living in one place so it won't
be too much trouble for you to find them all; Booger, Maxine, Maxi,
Fritz, Pepper, Misty, Prince, Bear, Buddy, Snowball, Shark, Max, Lady,
Princess, Angel and Star. (I'm already crying and I promised myself I

If you could just tell them that we love and miss them soooo much and
that mom and dad are always thinking of them....there is never a day
that goes by when we're not. The holidays are always the hardest:(
Please give them all big hugs and kisses from Mom Rosie, Dad Roy and
hooman big brother Michael.

Saraferret, I would also like to wish you and all Bridge Greeters a
very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all at Rainbow Bridge. I
cannot begin to tell you how much it meant to me that you were there to
greet most of my babies....Sandee Ferret who no longer greets I believe
greeted my first 4 or 5 babies who left us.....the wonderful work that
you all do for us here on the FML when we loose one of our precious
babies is just amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for
being there and bringing me closure for each one of my babies. I know
that every greeting was special for me and again I cannot thank you all
enough for what you do.

Love and hugs,

[Posted in FML 6922]